I have just returned from a very entertaining and equally interesting weekend in Cape May with FI and his family.  His aunt turns 60 today and the family threw her a huge party on Saturday.

Sitting with Chris' dad (Doug) and his brothers, Doug suddenly realizes that all the Neal's are together and that they should do the black bean test.  Chris and his brothers have no idea what he's talking about, but it's soon explained.  In order to become a part of the "family," one must pass the black bean test.

What is the black bean test, you ask?  It's a vote.  The family actually votes on whether or not you can be a part of the family.  No, really.  They all get some beans- or balls?- and a red marker and a black marker.  Then they mark the bean- red if I can be a member and black if I can't.  They put them in a bucket and then I pull each one out with everyone watching and if I get a black one, I can't be in the family.  This doesn't mean we can't be married- it just means I'm not a true member.

Only one person has ever gotten a black bean: Vicki's ex-husband.

So now I'm nervous and kind of freaking out that I'm going to get a black bean.  I don't see why I would.  I'  But still... wouldn't it suck if someone gave me a black bean?
